Anxiety Society


Dealing with Anxiety and Depression have been a real-life challenge for our entire family since Brooke was originally diagnosed with Separation Anxiety when she was in the 5th grade.  She has struggled with various types of Anxiety from that time up until today.

Brooke decided on her own to openly discuss her struggles with Anxiety one night on a JADELYNN BROOKE INSTAGRAM LIVE.  She, as well as the entire family, was overwhelmed with the response from those who were suffering silently and wanted to hear more of Brooke's story. 

After that night on the LIVE, the mission became crystal clear:  To break down the NEGATIVE STIGMA associated with Mental Health issues.  It is a very real thing, that a person struggling with it cannot wish away or pretend is not there.  We are NOT doctors, nor do we pretend to know how to fix this horrible condition - but we do believe we can help breakdown the stereotype and encourage people to open up and start asking questions.  

The number of girls that have reached out to us as a result of Brooke openly discussing her issues with Anxiety is staggering.  They range in all ages and all walks of life that struggle with this condition.  The stories are heart-breaking. 

We created the Anxiety Society t-shirts in order to start a discussion.  Whether you wear one of these shirts as a sufferer of Anxiety or someone who supports a family member or friend who does, we hope that starting this discussion can start you or your friend/loved one on their way to a happier and healthier future.

Anxiety Society will be a permanent part of our brand platform.  

Below is a video that discusses the struggles that Brooke has had with Anxiety for the past 14 years.  If you think that you may be suffering from Anxiety related issues please watch this video.  It a quick walk-through of Brooke's struggles and will hopefully helps others to start the conversation.  Thank you for your time and for sharing your stories.  Together, we can TEAR DOWN THE NEGATIVE STIGMA of MENTAL HEALTH issues. 


If you feel you may be experiencing Anxiety or any related forms of mental illness we encourage you to not go through this yourself.  Reach out to your loved ones and seek appropriate health care.  

With love,

Here is a link to the Anxiety Society shirt page  Click   HERE